28 May Drug Free, Manual Therapy – The main reasons to visit an Osteopath!
Visiting an Osteopath is an important way to ensure any mobility problems that you are experiencing are treated and a dedicated plan put in place to correct the problems. Osteopathy asses the patient as a whole and not just the area causing discomfort. Our Osteopaths will take into account your lifestyle, activity habits and ask you to perform various exercises so that they can best match the following treatment plan to your needs and requirements.
Some people remain sceptical about Osteopaths and may not know the exact level of impact and success through osteopathy. This article is here to let you know about the main reasons to visit an Osteopath and why you should think about doing this sooner rather than later! In addition to Osteopathy, there is a range of Back Pain Relief Video Exercises and treatments out there, head on over to the link provided for more information on the video treatments available.
If you would like to speak with a member of the Osteopathy team at Openhealth then please head on over to the link provided. We look forward to helping you improve your mobility.
Holistic Approach
Osteopathy differs from many other means of medicine, instead of using tablets to try and remove the pain experienced, osteopathy uses the whole body approach to ensure that the things causing problems are worked on and not just masked. One thing that confuses people is when Osteopaths may treat different areas of the body that are not causing discomfort. The reason for this is because of the impact different areas of the body have on each other. A fully trained Osteopath will be aware of this relationship and work on all areas to ensure that the affected area is treated.
During the initial diagnosis session, our osteopaths will work with you to uncover exactly what is causing the pain and also begin to understand a bit more about your habits and lifestyle. All of these questions are key for us to get the full picture prior to the construction of treatment plans.
Dedicated & Tailored Treatment Plans
Because of the holistic approach to Osteopathy, we are able to create truly unique and tailored treatment plans. This really highlights the importance of the initial session as this forms the basis for the following treatment plan. Tailored treatment plans provide two things – Firstly, they are great for you to keep track of your sessions and understand the work being done to improve the problematic area. Secondly, they give you the best possible chance of having the outcome you desire. The treatment plans can consist of a range of things such as exercises and manual therapy with an osteopath, changes to lifestyle and certain aspects of daily routines right the way to exercises for you to try from the comfort of your own home.
Another key thing with osteopathy is the emphasis on self exercise and healing. It is one thing having an Osteopath get rid of the pain being experienced but learning exercises that you can comfortably perform on your own is what we are all about. This is an actionable piece of information and often invaluable.
Valuable Exercises
As mentioned above valuable exercises form part of the treatment plan. These exercises will be ones that you are able to perform from your own home or workplace. Doing these exercises helps you get the best results that you possibly can. Most exercises take the form of stretching, lifting, posture correction and sometimes breathing exercises. Whilst these exercises will be tailored towards treating a patient’s affected area, studies have also shown that Osteopathy indirectly affects sleep and can also reduce insomnia
Osteopathy treats a range of different conditions ranging from chronic back pain all the way to arthritis and many other sports-related injuries. We encourage anyone who is experiencing pain or discomfort to book an appointment and improve your mobility.
Jack is part of the marketing team and enjoys helping patients understand the treatments offered at Openhealth and the positive effect that Osteopathy & Physiotherapy can have on peoples lives.
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