05 Dec Beat the Bugs!
Winter is well and truly here and if reports in the media are to be believed, the cold and flu season is upon us! Now is the time to build up your immunity and the best place to start is with your diet. Our Nutritional Therapist, Jacqui Mayes, is here to take you through 10 foods that can help!
What you eat can have an enormous impact on the health of your immune system and could help you beat the bugs this winter and stay cold and flu free!
Boosting your immune system is not just about taking fizzy Vitamin C. There are a host of vitamins and minerals that help the immune system function properly. Ensuring you are getting enough of them in your diet is an important step towards lowering your chances of catching any flu or colds this winter.
So, here are the “top 10” immune-boosting foods:
1. Broccoli is rich in Vitamins C and E, antioxidants, folate and iron.
2. Blueberries are rich in anti-oxidants and thought to be one of the ultimate immune-boosting foods.
3. Brazil Nuts contain B vitamins, selenium and Vitamin E. Just 2 or 3 a day can give you the benefit of their immune-boosting nutrients.
4. Garlic has fantastic anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. As an added bonus, it is also thought to help lower blood pressure. Eating a little garlic daily really should help keep those bugs away.
5. Carrots are high in carotenes which the body converts to Vitamin A, an essential immune-stimulating nutrient. They’re low in fat as well so are a healthy snack food for when you’re on the run.
6. Beetroots are bursting with minerals and have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting and detoxifying properties! Try some raw in a salad, or simply roasted in the oven with a little olive oil – delicious!
7. Ginger stimulates the immune system and circulation. Try a little grated into your favourite soup, or perhaps add a slice of fresh ginger and a slice of lemon to a cup of hot water for a refreshing, warming drink on a cold morning.
8. Kiwifruit are thought to have a higher vitamin C content than oranges. And why not try some of the lovely golden kiwi fruits for a change?
9. Pumpkin & Sesame seeds are rich in Zinc, one of the most important nutrients for the immune system.
10. Shiitake mushrooms are known for their immune-boosting properties. Why not try them in a stir-fry with some slices of chicken, broccoli and garlic?
If you’d like to know more about some easy ways to improve your diet and stay healthy, our nutritional therapist, Jacqui Mayes is available for appointments. Simply call the clinic on 01344 625475 for availability!
Toby is an osteopath at OpenHealth, and regularly contributes to our blogs.
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