02 Jan A New Year Metabolic Detox Program!
In January 2016, our Registered Nutritional Therapist Jacqui Mayes is offering you a supervised 14-day Metabolic Detox.
Research shows that detoxing therapeutically can help cleanse the body, increase vitamin and mineral absorption, reduce symptoms of toxicity, improve digestion, clear the skin and aid weight loss, while improving cellular health
and energy production.
This is not a fast or a juice detox. It is specifically designed by nutrition experts to support your system while you eat natural, healthy foods in abundance.
The 14- day program includes;
- An initial ‘how to’ meeting
- 1:1 email support as needed
- Group email support
- An ‘Allowed’ food list and Menu Planners
- Suggested Recipes (which are delicious)
- Shopping list and Workbook
- Detox support Supplements to support all metabolic pathways such as energy production, detoxification, digestion and elimination.
The group detox starts on Monday the 18th of January (but you can start at your convenience) and costs £139.00
Please call 01344 625475 for more information
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